Our detailed plan ensures that your children stay safe in our studios. Every studio is required to strictly adhere to each of the following steps.
We will utilize social distancing inside DA to minimize the spread of transmission & infection. Instead of current arrangements, we will utilize as much of the studio space as we can to create physical distance between students.
We will cap the number of students who can attend programs during a given hour at 8 students.
Both staff & students will be required to wear masks during programs to minimize risk of transmission and infection.
Those who present ANY signs of infection (fever, cough, etc…) will be immediately asked to leave (parents will be called to pick up their children & staff will be sent home). While waiting for parents, students will be asked to sit in the lobby area until their parents arrive.
Prior to entering Digital Adventures, staff, students and family members will be required to have their temperature taken. Anyone who shows any sign of fever will not be allowed to enter.
Any students/staff/family members who have attended our programs are asked to self report whether nor not they have been in contact with anyone who has been diagnosed or reported symptoms of COVID-19.
All hard surfaces and educational manipulative (LEGOS, 3D Printers, Keyboards, Mice, Desks, Chairs & Bathroom Surfaces) will be cleaned & disinfected daily. For student workstations, these will be cleaned/disinfected after each program session (classes/camps).
Students will be asked to maintain social distancing and reduce opportunity for viral transmission during outdoor activities. Games like Tag, Contagion, Hide & Seek will be prohibited during outdoor activities. Students who do not adhere to these requirements will no longer be able to participate in outdoor activities during breaks (lunch/brain breaks).
Students will be asked to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds at the beginning of each program session. And, if there is any symptomatic behavior, they may be asked to wash their hands more frequently.
At the conclusion of programming each day, the studio will be thoroughly cleaned with a focus on hard surfaces (floors, desks, chairs, mice, keyboards, 3D Printers & LEGOs).
There will be a maximum of 2 staff members on site for each programming to maintain the ability to limit group size and the opportunity for transmission and infection. This allows us the ability to still host programs if a team member suddenly has to leave.
As students enter the space, they will be asked to remove their shoes and leave them by the door to reduce any opportunity of carrying germs from another space into the studio. Program participants will be offered booties/socks to protect their feet while in the space.
Staff may provide whole group or individual troubleshooting via on-screen projection vs. coming to an individual’s computer to maintain social distancing and reduce the opportunity for transmission and infection.
Parents will be asked to positively affirm that their child has not shown any symptoms of illness or sickness during the past 72 hours. If they have noticed excessive coughing or fever, their children will not be allowed to attend.
Only students and staff will be allowed into the studio. Parents/guardians will be asked to check in their children outside the studio to minimize the number of people entering/leaving the studio on a daily basis.
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