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Online Classes
1. Design your maze
2. Design your main character
3. Make your main character move up
4. Make your main character move down
5. Make your main character move left and right
6. Design and place your start sprite
7. Code for wall collisions
8. Design a level 2
9. Load the next level
10. Make sure the game starts at level 1
Project 210: Maze Game
10. Make sure the game starts at level 1
You've probably noticed that the game doesn't start back at level 1 by itself. Go back into your main character's code, and tell it to load the level 1 backdrop at the start of the game.
Starting point file for this challenge
Your goal
Hint: show steps
1. Add a "when green flag clicked" block to your main character
Hint: show details
This is found in the yellow "events" section.
Hint: show image
2. Add a "switch backdrop to" block
Hint: show details
This is found in the purple "looks" section. Make sure the block says the name of your level 1 backdrop.
Hint: show image
3. Add a "go to start position" block
Hint: show details
This is found in the dark blue "motion" blocks.
Hint: show image
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