Project 369: Collecting Coins

10. Make the Coins 'Collectable'

To make the coins disappear when the player touches them, copy this code and add it to the end of your script. You'll fill in the blanks in the steps below.

list = game.Workspace:GetChildren()
for _, item in pairs(___1___) do
	if item.Name == "__2__" then
			local h = other.Parent:FindFirstChild("___4___")
			if h then
				local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(other.Parent)
				print("Coin Collected!")
Starting point file for this challenge


1. What do you need to put in the parentheses for the game to look through all of the items in the workspace?

The first line collects all of the items in the workspace and stores them in 'list'. That is what the for loop should be looking through.
for _, child in pairs(list) do

2. What is the name of the item you are looking for?

You are trying to check for when the coins are touched. In the CreateCoin() function you named each new coin 'Coin', so that is the name you are looking for.
if child.Name == "Coin" then

3. What event does the game need to be listening for which will cause the coin to disappear?

The coins should disappear when a player runs into them. The game should listen for when the coin is "Touched".

4. What information do you need about the object that touches the coin?

You only want the coin to be collected if it is touched by a player. To determine if something is a player you need to check if it contains "Humanoid".
local h = other.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")

5. What temporary name is given to each item in 'list' while the game is looking at it in this loop?

The for loop is searching through the items stored in 'list', and it calls each item in the list an item.