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Online Classes
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Online Classes
1. Open Roblox Studio and load the starter kit
2. Make some more Exploder Parts
3. (Concept Exercise) Hierarchies
4. Add a script to the ServerScriptService
5. Tell the script to find all your exploder parts
6. Create a new instance of an explosion
7. Create an explode function
8. Test it out
9. Randomize the explosion
10. Give players a warning before exploding
11. Create your exploder course
Project 327: Exploder Course
2. Make some more Exploder Parts
Normally, when we make parts in Roblox that will do something, we make one first, give it a script, then duplicate it with the script. However, this time, the Exploder parts will not have a script on them.
This challenge doesn't have a starting point
Your goal
Hint: show steps
1. Create a new part
Hint: show details
Click the "part" button at the top to place a new part in the Workspace.
Hint: show image
2. Rename the part to "Exploder"
Hint: show details
Find the part you just made in the Workspace folder, and rename it to "Exploder."
This name needs to be exact, because we'll later tell Roblox to find everything named "Exploder" and make them explode.
Hint: show image
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