Project 327: Exploder Course

3. (Concept Exercise) Hierarchies

In Roblox, we have to deal with things called "Parent" and "Child." A "Parent" is anything that holds something else, and a "Child" is anything that's inside a "Parent." Read through this on your own, then message your instructor the answers to the last questions. 

This challenge doesn't have a starting point


1. An Example of a child

In this example, we see that the part called "SpawnLocation" is a child of the Workspace. That makes the Workspace a parent!

2. An Example of a parent

In this example, we see that "StarterPlayer" is also a parent, because it's holding a bunch of stuff inside it.

3. Another example!

We also see here that "Players" is NOT a child of the Workspace.

4. Find another example of a parent

5. Find another example of a child