Project 327: Exploder Course

6. Create a new instance of an explosion

Create an explosion in the script, and make sure the explosion is happening inside the Workspace.

Starting point file for this challenge


1. Create a new instance of "Explosion"

An "instance" is an object. This line of code is going to tell the game to create a new "explosion" object out of thin air for us.

(This is very similar to cloning in Scratch - it's like we're telling Roblox to spawn an "explosion" clone for us.)

This line of code should go before the forever loop."Explosion")

2. Label the instance

We want to keep track of that explosion we're making! We'll name it "explosion." 

explosion ="Explosion")

3. Make the workspace the parent of the explosion

In other words, this makes the explosion a child of the Workspace. Anything that's a child of your Workspace will show up in your game during play time. 

explosion.Parent = game.workspace