Project 327: Exploder Course

11. Create your exploder course

Let's make this into an actual game! Try making a hallway players have to run through while avoiding exploding bricks. 

Starting point file for this challenge

Your goal


1. Practice moving the camera around

You may have to ask your instructor for help if you're using a laptop or a mouse without all 3 buttons.
  • To pan, or "scooch" your camera around, click down on your scroll wheel like it's a button and drag around.
  • To rotate your camera, click on your right mouse button and drag around.
  • Use the scroll wheel or arrow keys to zoom in and out.
Don't worry if this is hard, moving cameras in 3D spaces is pretty confusing.

2. Create more Exploders

You can create more bricks simply by creating a new part. 

Remember, you need to rename them to "Exploder" - because ServerScriptStorage is already looking for anything in your game named "Exploder" and giving them the explode instructions. 

3. Build hallway walls

Place down another part. Use the scale tool to make this part long and thin, like a hallway wall. 

4. Continue to test and build

Use these new tools to make your game even bigger! Try making your exploder course really long!